
Stainless steel assault rifle
Stainless steel assault rifle

In the event, you’re thinking about buying the 30-06 in several variations in rifles, here are some tips that can aid you in deciding the direction you would like to turn before putting down your hard earned money on the sporting goods counter. John Browning regarding the worldwide known 50 BMG heavy machine gun round. If studied at all, the gun worlds information is clear that the 30-06 cartridge has been the benchmark for everything else that has come down the pike in the past 90 years or so, and that includes the exact scale build by Mr.

stainless steel assault rifle

The short form here is that if I had only one choice in a rifle it would still be the 30-06 Springfield even with all the other offerings on the table today. The rifle has been with me for all of my life, taken untold numbers of big game animals over most of the central timber country of Minnesota and western United States with a serious concentration on whitetail, mule, and blacktail deer as searched out targets.

stainless steel assault rifle

The primary rifle I always turn to when discussing the 30-06 is my own personal Winchester Pre 1964 Model 70 Feather Weight. The bottom line is the 30-06 rifle and that world famous cartridges have been rock solid experiences in terms of being a part of my shooting experiences for just about 60 years to date. The project was a complete rebuild of the original military rifles and they became so well known locality that they paid for about half of my living expenses during my first two years of college.

stainless steel assault rifle

I started building deer rifles from WW II surplus 03-A3 Springfield 30-06 rifles back in the 1950’s.

Stainless steel assault rifle